Manitowoc County (WI)
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Unit Numbering
LAW ENFORCEMENT 000's Manitowoc PD 100's Sheriff Administrative? 200's Sheriff Detective? 300's Sheriff Jail 400's Sheriff Patrol 500's Sheriff Process? 600's Sheriff Reserve? 700's Kiel PD? 800's Two Rivers PD 900's Manitowoc PD AMBULANCES (partial list) Ambulance 1 Kiel Ambulance Ambulance 2 Kiel Ambulance Ambulance 5 Two Rivers Ambulance 6 Two Rivers Ambulance 7 Valders Ambulance Ambulance 8 Valders Ambulance Ambulance 9 Two Rivers Ambulance 12 Two Rivers Ambulance 14 Mishicot Ambulance Ambulance 15 Mishicot Ambulance FIRE 10 Newton 20 Silver Creek 30 Valders 40 St Nazianz 50 Whitelaw 80 Cleveland 90 Branch 110 Michicot 120 Francis Creek 130 Kellnersville 140 Rockwood 150 Two Creeks 160 Tisch Mills 170 Reedsville 180 Collins 190 Menchalville 200 Maribel MABAS DIV 128 NUMBERING FDID NAME 36010 Branch Fire 36020 Cleveland Fire 36030 Collins Fire 36040 Frances Creek Fire 36050 Kellnersville Fire 36060 Kiel Fire 36070 Manitowoc Fire 36080 Maribel Fire 36090 Menchalville Fire 36100 Mishicot Fire 36110 Newton Fire 36120 Reedsville Fire 36130 Rockwood Fire 36140 St. Nazianz Fire 36150 Silver Creek Fire 36160 Tisch Mills Fire 36170 Two Creeks Fire 36180 Two Rivers Fire (City) 36190 Two Rivers Fire (Town) 36200 Valders Fire 36210 Whitelaw Fire
Fire Stations and Apparatus
*Newton Fire Department-6532 Carstens Rd. Engine 16 *Silver Creek Fire Department Station 1-1822 Silver Creek Rd. *Silver Creek Fire Department Station 2-6510 Calumet Ave. *Valders Fire & Rescue-103 Eisenhower St. Boat 1 Ambulance 7 Ambulance 8 Ambulance ? (Reserve) Utility 30 Engine 33 Tanker 34 Engine 35 UTV *St. Nazianz Fire & Rescue-202 N. 4th St. *Whitelaw Fire Department-330 E. Menasha St. *Cleveland Fire Department-1274 W Washington Ave. *Branch Fire & Rescue-8124 Village Dr. Utility 93 *Michicot Fire Department-214 S. Main St. Ambulance 14 Ambulance 15 Ladder 112 *Francis Creek Fire Department-310 Norwood Dr. *Kellnersville Fire Department-807 Main St. *Rockwood Fire Department-5401 County Road R *Two Creeks Fire & EMS-5128 E Tapawingo Rd. Engine 155 *Tisch Mills Fire Department-N110 County Road B Tender 162 Unit 165 (Pickup Truck) *Reedsville Fire Department-100 Industrial Park Dr. Engine 171 Tender 172 Tender 173 (Reserve) Utility 173 Utility 174 Engine 175 Engine 179 (Reserve) *Collins Fire Department-607 Milwaukee St. *Menchalville Fire Department-15331 County Road K *Maribel Fire Department-15127 N Maribel Rd. Engine 202 Unit 206 *Kiel Fire & Ambulance-99 E. Fremont St. Ambulance 1 Ambulance 2 ATV 1 ATV 2 Command 1 Engine 1 Engine 3 Engine 4 Tender 1 Truck 1 Utility 1 *Manitowoc Fire Rescue Station 1-911 Franklin St. Command 1 Command 2 Engine 1 Ladder 1 Med 1 Med 11 Technical Rescue 10 Utility 10 Utility 12 Utility 13 Wing Inflatable Watercraft *Manitowoc Fire Rescue Station 2-1410 N. 8th St. Engine 2 Med 2 *Manitowoc Fire Rescue Station 3-3820 Dewey St. Command 3 Engine 3 Engine 5 (Reserve) Med 3 Med 33 (Reserve) *Manitowoc Fire Rescue Station 4-1125 Fleetwood Dr. Engine 4 Med 4 Med 44 (Reserve) Boat 1 Survive Alive Trailer *Two Rivers (City) Fire Department-2122 Monroe St. Ambulance 5 Ambulance 6 Car 7 Engine 8 Ambulance 9 Engine 10 Truck 11 Ambulance 12 Car 13 Car 14 *Two Rivers (Town) Fire Department Station 1-6525 CTH B Truck 1 Truck 2 Rescue 3 Truck 4 *Two Rivers (Town) Fire Department Station 2-???? Highway 42 Truck 5
P25 Radio ID's
531516 Eagle 3 Helicopter 36000XX ??? 3611XXX Manitowoc County Sheriff's Office 36152XX Cleveland FD 36155XX Maribel FD 3630000 Manitowoc County PSAP 81003XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios 81033XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios 81103XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81133XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81203XX Wisconsin State Patrol Kenwood TK-5710 squad radios 81233XX Wisconsin State Patrol Kenwood TK-5710 squad radios 81603XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81633XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 82XXXXX Wisconsin DNR 9901107 National Weather Service-Green Bay Weather Forecasting Office 9901108 National Weather Service-Green Bay Weather Forecasting Office ??????? Aurora Medical Center Manitowoc County ??????? Branch FD ??????? Cleveland PD ??????? Collins FD ??????? Francis Creek FD ??????? Francis Creek PD ??????? Holy Family Memorial Hospital ??????? Kellnersville FD ??????? Kiel FD ??????? Kiel PD ??????? Manitowoc County Highway Department ??????? Manitowoc FD ??????? Manitowoc PD ??????? Menchalville FD ??????? Mishicot FD ??????? Mishicot PD ??????? Newton FD ??????? Reedsville FD ??????? Reedsville PD ??????? Rockwood FD ??????? Saint Nazianz FD ??????? Saint Nazianz PD ??????? Silver Creek FD ??????? Tisch Mills FD ??????? Two Creeks FD ??????? Two Rivers (City) FD ??????? Two Rivers (Town) FD ??????? Two Rivers PD ??????? United States Coast Guard ??????? United States Coast Guard-Station (Small) Two Rivers ??????? US Fish & Wildlife Service (possibly 95XXXXX's?) ??????? Valders FD ??????? Valders PD ??????? Whitelaw FD ??????? Wisconsin DNR Point Beach State Forest HQ ??????? Wisconsin DNR Michicot DNR Office ??????? Wisconsin State Patrol Weigh Station 35 bases
EMS Dispatch Codes
New EMS Dispatch Codes being used in Manitowoc County: Respond "Omega" - assistance calls or non-recent injuries Respond "Alpha" - call is non-emergency Respond "Bravo" - patient is in non-life threatening or less serious condition, non-emergent Respond "Charlie" - patient is in serious but non-life threatening condition Respond "Delta" - patient is in life threatening condition Respond "Echo" - patient is in critical condition